Taking a balanced breakfast in the morning is very important for our bodies
Will give us more energy for the muscles as well as the brain
Facilitates digestion process.
Limits the hungry feeling before lunch
"the most important meal of the day"
Some studies have shown that people who eat a balanced breakfast are lively throughout the day and are less fat than those who do not
1 Drinking water in the morning
Drink at least one large glass of water in the morning First Thing to do in the Morning will re-hydrat body also water can boost your body’s metabolism and helps to get rid of feeling tired
Our brains are operating on low-battery when we are dehydrated. because brain tissue is 76% water
2 Please limit the pastries
Most pastries and sweets contain high percentages of sugars useless, which may cause damage to the human body so if we try to reduce the consumption we will be fine
always remember that hat's sweety and sugary things looks great on the side with cup of coffee is not a healthly habit
Bread and cookies prepared with whole grains, such as wheat flour, are essential to a healthy and balanced diet.
3 Make your cereal or oatmeal more nutritious
Change your diet and try to eat whole grain rather than sugar cereals. In this way you will make it more nutritious.
if you add slices a banana also you can sprinkle almonds or raisins, do not forget to prepare them with skimmed milk or low fat instead of 2% or chocolate milk.
4 Bring vegetables To your breakfast
with a simple idea you can make many varieties of vegetable omelets :
Before cooking the egg omelet, it is recommended to add a variety of vegetables, for example, minced onion, spinach, mushrooms and many Whatever you like
There are two benefits
First, we will help the digestive system, because we have taken the dietary fiber that treats constipation, it facilitates the digestion process and the intestinal tract
Second, we add flavors of omelettes, which gives us a sense of change and the fight against routine
5 Dose of freshness
One of the most desirable tips for a balanced breakfast is refreshing fruit juices, only one cup is enough of these natural drinks, which contain high rates of vitamin C Perhaps the most famous ones are the juice of orange, mango and kiwi
Although the juices of brands look attractive and appetizing, it is better for children to give them a 100% naturels drinks .